"A body of believers bound together by our love for Jesus Christ and his Word, reflecting God's love, grace and truth"
To show our support for Toby and Jayla, all are invited to join in a drive through today from 1-2:30. To help with traffic flow, come from the NORTH on 450 entering the driveway off of 450 and exiting onto 124. When driving through please stay in your car and be mindful of those waiting. OPTIONAL ways of showing our support is to decorate your car, write a sign ( displaying it on the passenger side), write a favorite a song, Bible verse, or encouragement on a paper airplane and fly it out to them. Thank you for rallying around Tony and Jayla during this difficult time.
Thank You
from Eric and Marcia Steffen for your prayers in the past, as they have been instrumental in giving us tremendous peace through Eric’s cancer journey. Continued prayers would be greatly appreciated for Eric as he undergoes surgery on Wednesday morning. God has been faithful through this entire cancer treatment and we have no doubt he will continue to be with us. We feel so blessed to have Him in control and to have all of you as our beloved church family! Thank you again and may God bless you for your love and prayers. Our love, Eric and Marcia Steffen
Prayer requested for Gary Stoller
who has recently been diagnosed with acute leukemia. He has chosen a treatment plan of non-aggressive chemotherapy beginning this Monday and intends to live each day the Lord gives to the fullest. He asks for prayers for wisdom, faith, hope and love to guide him and his family.
will be held this Wednesday at 7:00 at Kingdom Academy for all high school students. If anyone is willing to help with snack please use the following link to sign up
password is SOSSNACK. Thanks!
The Kingdom Academy Auction
is this Saturday, October 31. Doors open at 5:30. Walking Tacos, Caramel Apples, Fresh Cookies and drinks will be served. Donated Items are still needed! Items should be dropped off before Friday...Contact Lance (273-2065) or Sara (273-9371). **Snack Stand during Live Auction
Silent Auction 5:30-7:30 // Live Auction starts at 6:30 // Kids Corner 5:30-6:30 //
Joe Gerber from Champaign, will be with us next Sunday to speak on intercessory prayer as we launch our Bluffton/Bluffton North Prayer initiative. Intercessory prayer means going to God on behalf of someone or something. We are encouraging our church to join together in prayer for our local church families.
Attached to the emailed announcements
are details explaining this program with sign up instructions. If you choose to be involved, send your email address to
and you will receive a bi-monthly emailed prayer list displaying specific people to pray for.
Please indicate if you are signing up to pray individually, as a couple or as a family.
If you care to encourage Joe, his contact information is 260-273-2153
Fall Festival Benefit- There will be a drive-thru benefit supper for Aaron & Cassie Gerber on Nov 1st from 1-7pm at 4333 E Elm Grove Rd. Come support them and enjoy some great food!
Hospital Lumiere Benefit Auction
is planned for Nov 5th - Nov 7th Information is posted on the church bulletin
Annual Sunday School Pancake and Sausage Breakfast
will be coming soon on Saturday, November 7th, at Kingdom Academy from 8-10:30am. This breakfast will help support many of our Sunday School functions that take place throughout the year! Here is a
to sign up your
high school student
to help. Use this
to sign up if you are a
parent or teacher
who would like to help. For those in the congregation who would like to provide food for the fundraiser, please use this
Perfect Potluck link. Thank you in advance! We appreciate your support!
Logansport Gift Lift: Lets help lift the patients up at Logansport State Hospital this Christmas with hygiene items. They are asking for donations of men's body wash and soap, but any hygiene items are appreciated! No glass or sharp items. Please put in the basket by the bulletin board through Nov. 8th. Thank you! Contact or questions: Jenna Fiechter
Operation Christmas Child
- This year we are looking for individuals, couples, & families to take, make, or buy and fill a box for Operation Christmas Child! Deadline day is November 22! For any questions please contact Steve & Gayla Gerber or Tanner Bowen Note: In 2019 over 10 million boxes were filled and distributed To children around the world ! Thanks for caring & sharing! *Check out the attached flyers. Flyers and boxes can also be found in the foyer.
Harvest Call Projects
We will meet each 1st & 3rd Thursday through March in Fellowship Hall basement (use the lower doors) from 9 am to 2 pm with a short break for lunch; all ladies are welcome to join us for all or part of the day. Bring your own sack lunch; coffee, tea & water provided. If you desire Christian fellowship and have a heart to help others, we would love your help to reach our goals of bags & blankets for needs in Haiti & Mexico. Contact Jinny Gerber or Gale Reinhard with questions.
The December Bluffton Haiti team
is still planning on going and would like to have a few more join the team. Currently there are more spots open and the plan dates are December 4th through the 11th. Please contact Lane Gerber (260-241-4099) by this Wednesday October 28th.”
COVID CONTACT: Stay home from church & social events if you are sick, have sick family members, or have been asked to quarantine. If diagnosed with COVID-19 or have questions, please contact Javon (260-273-1323). All details are kept confidential.