"A body of believers bound together by our love for Jesus Christ and his Word, reflecting God's love, grace and truth"
Kingdom Academy
would like to thank the church for donating and participating in their annual Fundraiser Benefit Auction. Things looked different than other years - as 2020 has gone - but one Constant is our Unchanging, Omnipotent Father! And all glory to Him…it is HIS school! Thank you for blessing our small school.
Intercessory Prayer- Joe Gerber from Champaign, will be with us today to speak on intercessory prayer as we launch our Bluffton/Bluffton North Prayer initiative. Intercessory prayer means going to God on behalf of someone or something. We are encouraging our church to join together in prayer for our local church families.
This document
has details explaining this program with sign up instructions. If you choose to be involved, send your email address to
and you will receive an emailed prayer list bi-monthly of specific people to pray for. Please indicate if you are signing up to pray individually, as a couple or as a family. If you care to thank Joe, his contact information is 260-273-2153
Fall Festival Benefit-
There will be a drive-thru benefit supper for Aaron & Cassie Gerber Today, from 1-7pm at 4333 E Elm Grove Rd. Come support them and enjoy some great food!
Silver Lining Collection
will be open through November. Subscriptions are $18 and can be put in the collection box marked silver lining. If you are wanting to cancel your subscription please let Irene Frauhiger know. Thanks
The Servant Fund Collection
will be the next two Sundays 8th, 15th. The Servant Fund helps in providing support to the lives and ministries of our brothers and sisters. Please see the attachment for the list of AC Missionaries to pray for.
More information on the HarvestCall bulletin board. Thank you for your support.
Monthly Monday night prayer time
will be tomorrow, November 2nd. Quiet time/personal prayers from 7-7:30 pm and group prayer 7:30-8:15pm; all in the SS assembly. For those vulnerable or not feeling well are encouraged to pray at home. Masks are optional, depending on your comfort level.
Bluffton Country Testimonies/Baptisms- Breckin Gilliom (Kent/Mary) and Brody Tonner (Brent/Rachelle) plan to share their testimony Wed., Nov.4th with baptisms during second service on Nov 8th. Thank you for supporting them in prayer.
Bluffton Country Church Communion
is planned for Saturday, Nov. 14, and there will be three elders coming to Bluffton to help serve. They are Bob Dotterer from our Sardis, OH church, John Laukhuf from Latty, OH, and Steve Ringger from Bluffton North.
Election Day Prayer Opportunity
- Let's join together in interceding for our nation and the body of Christ this Tuesday, Nov 3rd. Choose a half-hour time segment and polling location listed in the editable Google Docs links below and sign your name to fill the slot. The spots cover three Wells County and one Adams County poll, but feel free to pray at a different poll if it is closer to you. The thought would be to spend your time slot in committed prayer in your vehicle or walking around outside at the poll if you prefer. The times cover the open hours of the polls(6AM-6PM). Attached are also some prayer points to use if you would like. And remember that no matter where we are praying from -- home, work, or a polling site -- God delights in hearing from His children!
Christian Care Volunteers Needed- For sitting at the entrance of door 12 and take temperatures and ask screening
will be this Wednesday, November 4th at 7:30 at the Fellowship Hall for all 6th-8th graders.
Hospital Lumiere Benefit Auction
is planned for Nov 5th - Nov 7th Information is posted on the church bulletin
The Annual Sunday School Pancake and Sausage Breakfast
is this coming Saturday, November 7th, at Kingdom Academy, from 8:00 - 10:30 AM. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE EVENT HAS BEEN CHANGED TO DRIVE-THRU ONLY. Here is a
to sign up your high school student to help. Use this
to sign up if you are a parent or teacher who would like to help. For those in the congregation who would like to provide food for the fundraiser, please use this
Perfect Potluck link.
Logansport Gift Lift:
Lets help lift the patients up at Logansport State Hospital this Christmas with hygiene items. They are asking for donations of mens bodywash and soap, but any hygiene items are appreciated! No glass or sharp items. Please put in the basket by the bulletin board through Nov. 8th. Thank you! Contact or questions: Jenna Fiechter
The food bank is asking for help with their Christmas Collection. Things look a little different this year, but they are in need of men’s and women’s gloves, men’s socks, toilet paper and paper towel. Please bring your unwrapped donations to the bins in the Sunday School rooms or beside the bulletin board the next three Sundays (8th, 15th, and 22nd). Thank you for helping the food bank help others this Christmas season. Contact Jesse and Janelle Frauhiger with questions 273-3173.
Operation Christmas Child
- This year we are looking for individuals, couples, & families to take, make, or buy and fill a box for Operation Christmas Child! Deadline day is November 22! For any questions please contact Steve & Gayla Gerber or Tanner Bowen Note: In 2019 over 10 million boxes were filled and distributed To children around the world ! Thanks for caring & sharing! *Check out the attached flyers. Flyers and boxes can also be found in the foyer.
HarvestCall Charity Projects
will meet this Thursday, November 5 in the basement of the Fellowship Hall from 9 till 2:30. We will have an additional special project from 12:30 - 2:30, putting together pre-natal kits for Haiti. We will still be doing our normal projects of quilting, comforters and bags. If you are available to join us for all or part of this day, we welcome additional help! Please bring your own sack lunch. Questions, please contact Jinny Gerber, Gale Reinhard, or Susie Fiechter
The December Bluffton Haiti
team is still planning on going and would like to have a few more join the team. Currently there are more spots open and the plan dates are December 4th through the 11th. Please contact Lane Gerber (260-241-4099) by this Wednesday October 28th.”
Christian Care Volunteers Needed
– For sitting at the entrance of door 12 and take temperatures and ask screening questions. We could use volunteers to help during the major shift change times of 5AM-7AM and 1:30PM-3PM when we have the most team members coming and going. All volunteers would need to follow our policy with protective eye wear and mask. If you would like to help us out please contact: Betty Lough @ (260) 565-3006 ext. 2172
Stay home from church & social events if you are sick, have sick family members, or have been asked to quarantine. If diagnosed with COVID-19 or have questions, please contact Javon (260-273-1323). All details are kept confidential.