"A body of believers bound together by our love for Jesus Christ and his Word, reflecting God's love, grace and truth"
Thank You
from Shawn Culp (Coleen’s Son) he would like to thank those that prayed, sent cards and gifts to help him celebrate his birthday this week.
Thank You
- Al & Colleen Ringger want to thank the church for the outpouring of love and support during his time of hip surgery, recovery, and rehab. They were overwhelmed with the show of love.
To show our support for Toby and Jayla, all are invited to join in a drive through on Sunday the 25th from 1-2:30. To help with traffic flow, come from the NORTH on 450 entering the driveway off of 450 and exiting onto 124. If you would want to have a sign it should be in the passenger's side. Thank you for your support.
Fall Festival Benefit-
There will be a drive-thru benefit supper for Aaron & Cassie Gerber on Nov 1st from 1-7pm at 4333 E Elm Grove Rd. Come support them and enjoy some great food!
Annual Sunday School Pancake and Sausage Breakfast
will be held on Saturday, November 7th, at Kingdom Academy from 8-10:30am. This breakfast will help support many of our Sunday School functions that take place throughout the year! Here is a link to sign up your high school student to help. Use this link to sign up if you are a parent or teacher who would like to help. For those in the congregation who would like to provide food for the fundraiser, please use this Perfect Potluck link. Thank you in advance! We appreciate your support!
BN Pre-packaged Lunch- “lunch break” will be 45 minutes; we will attempt to maintain some physical distancing and other steps to minimize chances for exposure to the virus. Please follow the directions of the ushers and any posted signs to facilitate an orderly process. Specific details also posted on the BN website. Thanks to all … BN Kitchen committee.
The Lunch Committee
is looking for help serving drinks & wiping tables for the next few Sundays. If you would be willing to help you may use the link below to sign up. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0d4ca9af23a0fc1-lunch
Apostolic Christian LifePoints
(formerly Home for the Handicapped) located in Morton, IL will be having their collection today. This community is home to those who are physically & mentally challenged. Please refer to the bulletin board for more information. If any questions, contact Bro Tim Steffen
will be this Wednesday, October 21st at 7:30 at the Fellowship Hall for all 6th-8th graders.
Sunday School Nomination Meetings:
Pre Nursery - 1st grade teachers meet after 2nd service on Oct. 25th. Anyone from the congregation who has an interest in teaching or knows of someone who would, please inform a current teacher or superintendent.
HarvestCall Projects
We will meet each 1st & 3rd Thursday through March in Fellowship Hall basement (use the lower doors) from 9 am to 2 pm with a short break for lunch; all ladies are welcome to join us for all or part of the day. Bring your own sack lunch; coffee, tea & water provided. If you desire Christian fellowship and have a heart to help others, we would love your help to reach our goals of bags & blankets for needs in Haiti & Mexico. Contact Jinny Gerber or Gale Reinhard with questions.
Kingdom Academy Auction
Sat. Oct. 31- Only snacks & cold drinks will be sold during the Live Auction. Doors open at 5:30! *Silent Auction 5:30-7:30 *Live Auction starts 6:30.*Kid’s Corner 5:30-6:30 If unable to attend, please consider a donation. 1/3 of the school’s funding comes from our annual auction fundraiser. Thank you! Item donations or questions to Lance (273-2065) or Sara (273-9371) Fiechter.
Prayer Opportunity- Our two Bluffton churches will be sponsoring a new prayer opportunity to encourage all of us to individually lift each other up in intercessory prayer. Those choosing to participate will be emailed specific people to pray for on a two week basis. Joe Gerber from Champaign will be with us on November 1 to speak on this topic as this prayer endeavor is launched. Please pray for the organizers of this program as more details will be made available in the future.
Hospital Lumiere Benefit Auction
is planned for Nov 5th - Nov 7th Information is posted on the church bulletin
Harvest Call Work Team -
The Bluffton Churches have a work team scheduled for Haiti leaving December 4th and returning December 11th. This is a great opportunity to serve others and experience a unique culture. We also may be visiting Hospital Lumiar and Cancer Redemption Project. Brothers, Sisters and friends are welcome to become a part of this work team. Reminder that during these uncertain times, things may change. Please contact by October 9th if you are interested in going. For more information, contact Bro. Lane Gerber (260-241-4099)
Stay home from church & social events if you are sick, have sick family members, or have been asked to quarantine. If diagnosed with COVID-19 or have questions, please contact Javon (260-273-1323). All details are kept confidential.
Please pray for the family living abroad: Jon and Amy Gerst