Sunday School

Sunday School is made up of children from age 3 through high school. During morning services teachers instruct the younger students from Bible Story books and the older from the Bible. Additionally they enjoy a time of singing before and after the lesson.

Outside of Sunday worship, the students enjoy time together in a range of activities including Sunday School Parties, and practice for the Annual Christmas and Easter programs. 

High school students are a part of ACYF (Apostolic Christian Youth Fellowship), SOS every other Wednesday night, Seniors take mission trip during Spring Break.

Current Teachers

Graduate Class

Todd Gerber

Grant Frauhiger


Brandon Gerber

Darren Drayer


Byron Gerber

Jadon Rauch

High School Girls

Megan Gerber

Jenna Stoller

Grades 7-8

Mitch Fiechter

Zach Reinhard

Shawn Yergler

Grades 5-6

Gavin Kaehr

Lance Fiechter

Kyle Schwartz

Grades 3-4

Seth Fiechter

Caleb Carrico

Grade 2

Lance Grube

Clint Schumacher

Grade 1

Lauren Brinneman

Wendy Kaehr

Kyann Schwartz

Grade K

Taye Fiechter

Jamy Steffen

Jessica Bertsch


Desiah Reinhard

Bekah Brooks

Deidra Reinhard


Ivory Isch

Breann Grube

Kylie Pfister


Jesse & Janelle Frauhiger

Travis & Jenna Frauhiger

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

Graduate Interviews

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