Greetings to all.
As the trend of higher levels of COVID-19 cases/quarantines in Bluffton North, Bluffton Country, CCRC, and our community continues, we will remain at one service for this coming Sunday, Nov 22nd. It is likely we will also have one service for Nov 29th as well.
In addition, the Bluffton North Thanksgiving services for Thursday Nov 26th will be virtual rather than in-person.
As stated before, we believe these steps are the most prudent to do our part to protect our church family and our community. We entreat you for your prayers and patience as we proceed.
Ephesians 4:1-3 1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, 2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; 3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
Continued Cautions! … for all of us.
Thanks for being patient with this process. Your ongoing support and prayers are greatly appreciated and needed.
In Christ,
Bluffton North Leadership
Bluffton North Sunday Announcements – November 22, 2020
"A body of believers bound together by our love for Jesus Christ and his Word, reflecting God's love, grace and truth"
Bluffton Country Baptisms of Brody Tonner and Breckin Gilliom have been postponed.
Church Ballots will be mailed. Please turn them by Dec 6th. Thank You.
Thank You – We are awestruck by our church family. The amount people that participated in the “Airplane” drive through, and the donations we are receiving is overwhelming. We are truly blessed to have Jesus as our shining beacon through our struggles and successes in this life. I am 4 weeks into my radiation and chemotherapy treatment and have another 2 weeks to go. For the most part, I am doing relatively well, but my strength comes and goes quickly. I constantly trust God every day for his wisdom and understanding in my life. Please continue to pray for God’s will to be done in my life “Because I stand on the Solid Rock”. I love you all and God bless you. Toby and Jayla.
Maliyali Update- The Mueller’s have sent a video update on the progression of literacy teaching in Maliyali. They are thankful for your continued prayers as the teaching is going very well, and the Maliyali people are excited to be learning to read and write in their heart language for the first time in their history! The video can be viewed here:
Silver Lining Collection will be open through November. Subscriptions are $18 and can be put in the collection box marked silver lining. If you are wanting to cancel your subscription, please let Irene Frauhiger know. Thanks
FOOD BANK CHRISTMAS COLLECTION – (Today is the last Sunday to bring your un- wrapped donations to the bins in the Sunday School rooms or beside the bulletin board.) The food bank is asking for help with their Christmas Collection. Things look a little different this year, but they are in need of men’s and women’s gloves, men’s socks, toilet paper and paper towel. Thank you for helping the food bank. Contact Jesse/ Janelle Frauhiger with questions 273-3173.
Operation Christmas Child - Today Nov 22nd is the Deadline for turning in your packed boxes on or by the table outside of the assembly. For any questions please contact Steve & Gayla Gerber or Tanner Bowen. Thanks for caring & sharing! Operation Christmas Child link:
Christian Care Volunteers Still Needed – For sitting at the entrance of door 12 and take temperatures and ask screening questions. We could use volunteers during the month of December to help during the major shift change times of 5AM-7AM and 1:30PM-3PM when we have the most team members coming and going. All volunteers would need to follow our policy with protective eye wear and mask. If you would like to help please contact: Betty Lough @ (260) 565-3006 ext. 2172
Let’s remember those living away from home at Christmas. Please submit names and addresses of any missionaries, military personnel, someone experiencing incarceration, or simply those living away from home to Jan Schwartz (273-0261 or A list of names and addresses will be attached to the emailed announcements beginning this week and will be updated weekly with your additions.
HarvestCall 2021 Winter Rebuilding Project in Marianna, Florida. Please see the attached announcement file for more information on this service opportunity.
The December Bluffton Haiti team is still planning on going and would like to have a few more join the team. Currently there are more spots open and the plan dates are December 4th through the 11th. Please contact Lane Gerber (260-241-4099) by this Wednesday October 28th.” COVID CONTACT: Stay home from church & social events if you are sick, have sick family members, or have been asked to quarantine. If diagnosed with COVID-19 or have questions, please contact Javon (260-273-1323). All details are kept confidential.
Intercessory Prayer: The second prayer lists were e-mailed Saturday afternoon, November 21. If you thought you signed up but didn’t receive an e-mail, would like to sign up, or have any questions, please e-mail us anytime at
The printed church directories won't be available until the week of 11/30. Attached is a PDF of the directory. I have not made any of the recent changes so it is just like the one they will receive in church. Thank you, Julie.
Please pray for this family living abroad: Seth & Jodi Gerber
Apostolic Christian Church