Sunday Announcements 9-27-20
September 27, 2020

Sunday Announcements

"A body of believers bound together by our love for Jesus Christ and his Word, reflecting God's love, grace and truth"               

Thank you for your cards, love and especially your prayers during my knee surgery recovery. I appreciate our church family very much. God bless, Marilyn Baumgartner

Thank you all for your prayers, cards and gifts of love that you have given us the past few months. It has been very humbling and we pray that God will bless each one of you for your kindness. The doctors gave us the best news that we could hope for when he told us that Neil is in remission. We don’t know what the future holds, but we are praising THE ONE WHO holds the future. We love you all! Neil & Karen Gerber

Sunday School will return to its regular format Next Sunday, Oct. 3rd. Pre-Nursery-1st grade will meet in their regular classrooms; grades 2-12 will gather in the large Sunday School room for singing and will go to their classrooms for lessons. We will monitor the COVID situation in the county schools and adjust accordingly, if necessary.  

SOS this Wed. 7:00pm at Kingdom Academy for high school students. If anyone is willing to help with snack please use the following link to sign up password is SOSSNACK. Thanks! 

HarvestCall Projects will begin our new season this Thursday, October 1st. We will meet each 1st & 3rd Thursday through March in the basement of the Fellowship Hall (use the lower doors). We start our day at 9 am and plan to finish at 2 pm with a short break for lunch, all ladies are welcome to join us for all or part of the day. Please bring your own sack lunch. Coffee, tea & water are provided. This is a blessed time of multi-generational fellowship. If you desire Christian fellowship and have a heart to help others we would love your help to reach our goals of bags & blankets for needs in Haiti & Mexico. Contact Jinny Gerber or Gale Reinhard with questions.

View Marriage Retreat Weekend online: If you would like to view any of the content from the marriage retreat hosted by ACCFS, it is available online at:

We are updating the Church directory again this year. Due to COVID we will not be able to do this process in church this year. The PDF for the directory is attached. Would you please: 1) Check your name and make sure that it is correct, even if you told me your info, I may have entered it incorrectly. 2) Tell your family to check theirs, not everyone gets the church announcements. 3) Email me with changes or corrections. 4) Email me and let me know that you checked your info.

Please be prayerful for Holy Communion Bluffton North has been rescheduled for October 10th at 7:30. Bro. John Laukhuf and his wife Sis. Marcia (Latty, OH) plan to join us along with Bro. Lynn Fiechter for this blessed event. More information to come as we approach this date. We plan to use individual servings for the bread and wine. Bluffton Country is scheduled to serve Communion November 15th.

Kingdom Academy Auction date has been moved to Sat. Oct. 31- Which is right around the corner…mark your calendars! There will be no meal provided this year, but snacks & cold drinks will be sold during the Live Auction. Doors open at 5:30! We know this is a busy time for farmers and their families! If you are unable to attend, please consider still blessing us with a donation. 1/3 of the school’s funding comes from our annual auction fundraiser. Thank you for supporting our small school! Item donations or questions are directed to Lance (273-2065) or Sara (273-9371) Fiechter. *Silent Auction 5:30-7:30 *Live Auction starts 6:30 *Kids Corner 5:30-6:30

Prayer Opportunity- Our two Bluffton churches will be sponsoring a new prayer opportunity to encourage all of us to individually lift each other up in intercessory prayer. Those choosing to participate will be emailed specific people to pray for on a two week basis. Joe Gerber from Champaign will be with us on November 1 to speak on this topic as this prayer endeavor is launched. Please pray for the organizers of this program as more details will be made available in the future.

Prayer Night - We are looking at adding several facilitators for Prayer Night. Facilitating Prayer Night consists of writing prayer requests on the board and keep the night flowing in an orderly fashion. Could be a brother or sister. Our goal would be to have at least six (6). If interested please contact Tim Drayer.

Hospital Lumiere Benefit Auction is planned for Nov 5th - Nov 7th More information is posted on the church bulletin

Harvest Call Work Team - The Bluffton Churches have a work team scheduled for Haiti leaving December 4th and returning December 11th. This is a great opportunity to serve others and experience a unique culture. We also may be visiting Hospital Lumiar and Cancer Redemption Project. Brothers, Sisters and friends are welcome to become a part of this work team. Reminder that during these uncertain times, things may change. Please contact by October 9th if you are interested in going. For more information, contact Bro. Lane Gerber (260-241-4099)

COVID CONTACT: Stay home from church & social events if you are sick, have sick family members, or have been asked to quarantine. If diagnosed with COVID-19 or have questions, please contact Javon (260-273-1323). All details are kept confidential.

Apostolic Christian LifePoints October Collection - Please see the attachment for more information.

Please pray for the family living abroad: Nathan and Rachel Mueller

By Rod Gerber October 30, 2023
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