"A body of believers bound together by our love for Jesus Christ and his Word, reflecting God's love, grace and truth"
Thank you and greeting- Josephine Schwartz has a greeting for the church and wishes to thank all of you for your prayers and cards. She is doing well and misses you all.
Thank you and update- It has been four weeks since Ken’s neck surgery. We are grieving his loss of mobility which in turn is his loss of independence. But through it all, God has been faithful to provide for us through family, friends, the medical community and all of God’s people Who have touched us with cards, prayers and encouragement!! Thank you and God bless you!! Ken and Judy
Our HarvestCall collection is Today.
HarvestCall is responsible for many ministries in the US, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Europe, Japan and several other countries where student education is sponsored. The undesignated donations we receive from church collections and individual donations are needed to fund approximately 41% of the needs of these ministries (roughly $4,000,000). The remainder is funded through designated donations. As of mid-September, our unrestricted donations are 35% below the prior three year average. Your generous support is greatly needed.
BN Communion Exhortation
– Bro. Steve will share a Communion Exhortation at the second service today in preparation for BN Communion on October 10, 2020.
Apostolic Christian LifePoints
- See attached information sheet about the current status and needs.
Sunday Snacks
- Looking for volunteers (one couple per Sunday) to manage set up and cleanup of our pre-packaged snack and waters. All food items and a short how- to list provided. Call Wendy K. to sign up at 273-1576.
We are updating the Church directory again this year.
Due to COVID we will not be able to do this process in church this year. The PDF for the directory is attached. Would you please: 1) Check your name and make sure that it is correct, even if you told me your info, I may have entered it incorrectly. 2) Tell your family to check theirs, not everyone gets the church announcements. 3) Email me with changes or corrections. 4) Email me and let me know that you checked your info. juliatonner@icloud.com
Job Opportunity- Apostolic Christian LifePoints is hiring a new Executive Director. A job description will soon be posted on AC Central under “job postings.” For more information see the document attached in the emailed announcements.
Prayer Night
- We are looking at adding several facilitators for Prayer Night. Facilitating Prayer Night consists of writing prayer requests on the board and keep the night flowing in an orderly fashion. Could be a brother or sister. Our goal would be to have at least six (6). If interested please contact Tim Drayer.
Bluffton North Holy Communion
has been rescheduled for October 10th at 7:30. Bro. John Laukhuf and his wife Sis. Marcia (Latty, OH) plan to join us along with Bro. Lynn Fiechter for this blessed event. More information to come as we approach this date.
Hospital Lumiere Benefit Auction
is planned for Nov 5th - Nov 7th More information is posted on the church bulletin board.
Harvest Call Work Team
- The Bluffton Churches have a work team scheduled for Haiti leaving December 4th and returning December 11th. This is a great opportunity to serve others and experience a unique culture. We should also may be visiting Hospital Lumiar and Cancer Redemption Project. Brothers, Sisters and friends are welcome to become a part of this work team. Reminder that during these uncertain times, things may change. Please contact by October 9th if you are interested in going. For more information, contact Bro. Lane Gerber (260-241-4099)
COVID CONTACT: We ask you to respect social distancing and quarantine precautions if you have been contacted by a contact tracer. Anyone having symptoms should get tested to prevent further spread. Stay home from church & social events if you are sick, have sick family members, or have been asked to quarantine. If diagnosed with COVID-19 or have questions, please contact Javon (260-273-1323). All details are kept confidential.
Please Pray for this family living abroad: Seth and Jodi Gerber