"A body of believers bound together by our love for Jesus Christ and his Word, reflecting God's love, grace and truth"
Thank you
to everyone who remembered my birthday with cards, phone calls, and gifts. God bless you all. Claire Yergler
Prayer request
for the family of Stan and Genny Isch, as their four-year-old great grandson Wyatt Moser was killed in a tragic gator accident on Saturday. Wyatt’s parents are Klint and Moonlight, and his grandmother is Gail Szabo.
Sunday Snacks
- Looking for volunteers (one couple per Sunday) to manage set up and cleanup of our pre-packaged snack and waters. All food items and a short how- to list provided. Call Wendy K. to sign up at 273-1576.
Cultivating Connections 2020
Marriage Conference by ACCFS is this Fri (9/11) from 6:30p-9p and Sat (9/12) from 9a-12p at Bluffton North church. In-person registration is closed, however virtual spots remain open. Please register for this event by visiting accounseling.org/marriageconference2020. Contact Preston & Wendy Kaehr (260-273-1576) with questions.
The annual Sonshine Circle Chicken BBQ
will be this Saturday, September 12th at the Fellowship Hall from 4:30-6:30pm. One major change from previous years is we plan to deliver food under the carport so you can stay in your vehicle. If you have not purchased a ticket, but are interested in doing so, please contact April McAfee at 273-1718. Thank you for your support!
will be held next Sunday, Sept. 13 at KA from 5:00-7:30. This will be primarily an outside event with KA restrooms open for your convenience. Bring your own blanket or chairs for seating as well as your own picnic dinner and drinks to share only with your family. Pre-packaged ice cream desserts will be provided. In the past if you have provided a cornhole set for the picnic, please bring it! A variety of outdoor games will be available as well as the playset. Agenda for the evening is included as an attachment to the e-mail. Come enjoy an evening of fellowship with hopeful distancing in the beautiful outdoors.
HarvestCall Collection
- The boxes will be open for the HarvestCall collection next Sunday 13th and 20th. HarvestCall has been commissioned by the Elder Body to enable the church to proclaim Christ and serve others in ways that are beyond the capacity of local congregations. The needs are great and your generosity allows us to fund the various mission in Mexico, Haiti, Jamaica, Europe, the US and other places. Thank you for your faithful prayers, service and financial support.
Prayer Night
will be next Monday (9/14/20) due to the holiday weekend.
We are looking at adding several facilitators for Prayer Night. Facilitating Prayer Night consists of writing prayer requests on the board and keep the night flowing in an orderly fashion. Could be a brother or sister. Our goal would be to have at least six (6) so the max anyone would facilitate would be twice annually. If interested please contact Tim Drayer.
Job Opportunity- Apostolic Christian LifePoints is hiring a new Executive Director. A job description will soon be posted on AC Central under “job postings.” For more information see the document attached in the emailed announcements.
Bluffton North Holy Communion
has been rescheduled for October 10th at 7:30. Bro. John Laukhuf and his wife Sis. Marcia (Latty, OH) plan to join us along with Bro. Lynn Fiechter for this blessed event. More information to come as we approach this date.
We ask you to respect social distancing and quarantine precautions if you have been contacted by a contact tracer. Anyone having symptoms should get tested to prevent further spread. Stay home from church & social events if you are sick, have sick family members, or have been asked to quarantine. If diagnosed with COVID-19 or have questions, please contact Javon (260-273-1323). All details are kept confidential.
Family living abroad to pray for this week: Jonathan and Lisa Ringger