What a poignant reminder of what should happen when the light of God’s Word shines
upon the darkness of our sin. The prophet Nathan effectively spoke God’s message to David
following his downward spiral into sin and left him with the full realization of sin’s seriousness
and the severity of its consequences. David’s conscience was fully awakened, his awareness of
sin heightened and his sorrow for sin deepened. We do not read that David rent his garments, but
it is abundantly clear that he rent his heart. That is where God wanted him and that is where He
wants us when our sins are exposed. Joel 2:13 reads, “And rend your heart, and not your
garments, and turn unto the LORD your God: for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger,
and of great kindness, and repenteth Him of the evil.” God is not interested in outward
demonstrations of repentance if the inward man is not grieving over sin to the point of leaving
our transgressions behind and reaching forward to embrace His righteousness. Torn garments are
nothing; turned hearts are everything. Real repentance always involves real change, not just
sorrow for sin committed. Repentance, by definition, is a military term that implies a complete
about face. A 180-degree turn means we are no longer walking toward the sin, which provoked
our repentance. It is not merely pain for the sin, but, change from the sin. It means we will have
no regrets leaving the sin, only regrets for having committed the sin. Our eyes, ears, heads, and
bodies will turn from sin when our hearts turn away from sin. If we truly abandon our sin and
turn unto the Lord our God, the tenor of our daily pursuits will reflect our affections. When our
hearts are in persistent search of the things that please the Lord, He lavishes His grace, mercy,
patience, and great kindness upon us. And who dares live one day, or even one moment, without
these blessings of the Lord generously heaped upon us?
Challenge: So, what are you chasing? The things that grieve the Lord your God, or the things
that bless Him? Where is your heart today? You may believe that little harm will come from
trifling with sin, but make no mistake, the Lord looks at no sin in a small or insignificant way.
God knows how quickly “little” sins grow up to be “big” sins and the big and often deadly price
they exact upon us. God loves us all too much to wink at sin and its horrible effects. He didn’t
excuse sin in David’s life, and He cannot in ours. Though Christ’s love held Him there, sin
nailed Him to the cross. Your least sin was deadly to Jesus, and it will be deadly for you.
Prayer: Merciful Father, impose upon my heart the serious cost of sin. May I grieve over the
hurt even the smallest infraction will inflict upon my Savior. Help me to walk in the ways of
righteousness because of a growing love for this same Jesus who now sits at Thy right hand
making intercession for those He redeemed by the blood He shed. Through His name and
intercessory power, I pray. Amen.
God’s blessings on your day!
Bluffton North Ministry Group