Living Water
May 11, 2020

Living Water

Numbers 20 

There are two incidences recorded where the people contended with Moses over the lack of water, the first in Ex. 17, forty years separate the two. In Ex. 17 Moses was told to strike the rock, but this time God tells him to speak to the rock. In verse 12 we see that speaking to the rock in front of the people would sanctify God in their eyes. Sanctify can be interpreted as hallowed or elevated. God wanted the people to understand that he could and would provide all they needed and more. They could have complete trust in him. They would need to trust him as they would shortly enter the Promised Land. In Psalm 78:15-16 Asaph records that the waters ran down like rivers. This would amply supply water to all the people, well over a million, and their herds. In Isaiah 43 God is declaring that he is the Lord and in verses 18-21 calls for a remembrance of this event saying again that he has and will provide waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert and as a result the animals would honor him and his chosen people would show forth his praise. 
To summarize, God is saying 
1. I supply all your needs.
2. I can and will do it amply.
3. I will glorify myself in this and desire you glorify me also.

In John 4 Jesus tells the woman at the well that he can give her living water, in fact it will be a well springing up into eternal life. This well is so bountiful she will never thirst again. He goes on to tell her now is the time that true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth and the Father seeks such to worship him. 

Jesus was the Rock that the water flowed from in the wilderness, 1 Cor.10:4 and Jesus is the living water that brings us salvation and eternal life. We are his chosen people who worship him by loving each other, serving others, seeking out the lost, singing praise and many other acts. I wonder if worship and praise was a virus would I be infecting all those I come in contact with. Physical distancing and mask wearing is appropriate for COVID19, but not for praising God.

God’s blessings on your day!  
Bluffton North Ministry Group

By Rod Gerber October 30, 2023
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