I Samual 28
July 20, 2020

I Samuel 28

1 Samuel 28

In verses 1-3 we are given 3 facts that are a back drop to Saul’s current situation: 
1. David appears to be on the enemy’s side
2. Samuel is dead
3. Saul at one time had put to death any who practiced all forms of witchcraft

David started out playing the harp to sooth Saul, had killed the Giant, Goliath, had married Saul’s daughter, built an enduring relationship with Saul’s son, and led his army into victory. Seemingly David should have been among Saul’s most trusted allies. Out of jealousy Saul had pushed him away and tried to kill him. So, David became the enemy. Bible scholars debate David’s intentions in being in a league with Achish. Some believing that Achish’s princes were correct in interpreting David’s true intentions (chapter 29). Regardless of David’s intentions, Saul had alienated himself from the man (David) God would use to destroy Israel’s real enemies, the Philistines. 

Samuel was the prophet that anointed Saul king and continued to guide him throughout his life even when Saul was disobedient. Samuel was always there for Saul; however, we see Saul communicating to Samuel and not God. This is an easy trap to fall into; putting a man ahead of God. When that man/woman is removed from us, we are at a loss. 

Saul at one time either in a genuine act of honoring God, or in a show of pious action (we are not given the details), abolished all those practicing any kind of witchcraft. In his past and still with him at this point was an attitude that his kingship held him above the law. This is a dangerous place to be.

Compiling all these mistakes together brings Saul into a lose/lose situation. Afraid of the enemy and not having David on his side he needs to turn to someone for help. All he knows to do is call out to Samuel. In verse 15 he tells Samuel that he tried to seek God by different means but God didn’t answer. None of these actions are recorded previous to him going to the witch, so it’s unsure if this is the truth or not. Ultimately, he went against his own judgment and sought out a witch. The lesson here is that we can be our own undoing when we don’t walk in accordance with Gods Word. Saul knew God had given the kingdom to David, but tried to prevent that. In doing so he was opposed to God. When opposed to God he had to rely on man. Samuel was a good man of God, but he wasn’t God. We can have really good men and women around us, as there is safety in a multitude of counselors, however they shouldn’t replace God. He must be our first and foremost refuge. When we find ourselves violating our own principles a red flag should be flying in our face. It is easy to justify actions at times especially when we are pressed, but standing strong at these times proves our faithfulness. 

God’s blessings on your day!  
Bluffton North Ministry Group

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