Breaking the Cycle
June 11, 2020

Breaking the Cycle

Judges 3 

The third chapter in Judges offers us a look at the sin cycle that plagues many individuals and
entire nations. Fortunately, during this historical era, God graciously provided the nation of Israel
with Judges to lead them out of their sin and back into a right relationship with God. And,
fortunately during our day, God has provided the counsel of His Spirit to bring conviction to the
hearts of men to turn away from following the ways of sin and its ensuing bondage and rather
toward the ways of righteousness and its resulting liberty. God means to demonstrate His
miraculous power to not only save but to sanctify and sustain. Like in the era of Judges, God
would have us cry out, recognizing that our help comes from the LORD alone. Rather than
sending Judges, He has now sent Jesus to be our final Deliverer. While some people may choose
to remain in bondage, He wants His children to realize they can live free from powerful cycle of
sin and its subsequent guilt and shame. and Unless he has been regenerated by the Lord of
heaven, man’s cravings are naturally turned toward all that is in the world. Once he is redeemed
and tastes of the pleasures of heaven, he will lose his yearning for the things his flesh desires.
The follower of Christ will have eyes only for Jesus and no other lover. This is not to say that he
cannot have eyes for another, but, if in right relationship with Him, he will not. Pride can
intercept a Christ-centered love and create a breach in our relationship if we fail to maintain a
close union with Him. We can quench and even grieve the Holy Spirit of Christ by inordinate
affections and attachments to this world and its enticement of false loves. We will, however,
experience joy and contentment when we are in the arms of our true Lover. Our real Soulmate
will never be found in the world. It is an empty and vain pursuit to seek for a true love there.
“Delight thyself also in the LORD: and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart” (Ps. 37:4).

Challenge: Do you long for the things that the Father has chosen for you, or do you often set out
on your course to find pleasure in the things of the world? You have found the Lord’s provision
and gifts to bring real fulfillment. Have you ever found the world’s allurements to bring lasting
satisfaction? Then don’t run after them. They are as elusive as the wind. “Fret not thyself in
anywise to do evil. For evil doers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall
inherit the earth” (Ps. 37:8b-9). Seek for your heart’s truest delight in the lasting pleasure of
heaven’s greatest treasure, Jesus Christ, and His love.

Prayer: Worthy Father, refine my affections until every sense and sentiment becomes attuned to
the joy of living in harmony with Thy Word and will. May I quickly turn away from worldly
distractions and devote myself entirely to heavenly attractions. I know in this only will I find my
divine calling, purpose, and peace. In the powerful name of the one who has broken cycle of sin,
Jesus the Deliverer, I pray it. Amen.

God’s blessings on your day!
Bluffton North Ministry Group
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